Monday, January 31, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Escaping the Escapes.......................not really!
These days escape seems to dominate hopelessly in everything I do (or am forced to do).So I try to find a way out from my classes, labs, writing notes, lab reports. This nature has obviously slipped into the supposedly most important stuff I am expected to do here; study. It has also invaded other domains like playing (which I used to enjoy a lot initially). I also lost many other active spheres to this activity, about which I am not conscious presently. All I can say is that most of my actions these days are primarily governed by it.
The other day, I was cribbing as usual in a lab. On second thoughts, I found that the experiment was really worth the sweat (and for the record: no sweat in AC cooled labs).So somewhere the tendency is overpowering and is getting the better of me (or has it already?).
So maybe I should not be running away like this. I should be brave and face all the hurdles head-on. So much so for the enthu-jargon. Maybe I should just let-things-be. Accept that this is a passing phase in life. And it taught me a great thing “ESCAPE”. This word was sorely missing in my dictionary. Rather than just adding, I became more than adept at using it. Not all things in life have to be judged in the same perspective. The parameters as well as times and circumstances have to be taken into account. Ethics is important but certainly not the supreme thing. Its ideal and one thing engineering has taught me is that ideal cannot be achieved. So maybe let those microscopic minority fret and fight to try and achieve idealism while I am happy with my escapades.
So all in all a priceless quality, but will one thing is for sure. I put this thing to a great use here and will most probably leave it back here. Maybe this thing belongs here. But who knows for sure…………………………………
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Incessant browsing : Is it injurious to health ?

Exactly a century ago, one of the most important person on the planet was awarded a deserving prize. Though many may debate it was a case of too less too late. Anyways here is some thing to refresh the Einstein buffs.
Well the ghost of Fidel Castro has returned for the American administration, though in a very different way. Now the neighbor's of the relatives of Elian Gonzalez have filed a $ 3 million plus trauma lawsuit. Cause: they were traumatized during the efforts to release the six year boy and reunite him with his father in Cuba. A diplomatic victory for Clinton , but ghosts have come back for Bush. Another of his nagging worries, but much less in magnitude to the countless he already has.......................
Finally some intresting perspective on the reasons for the sudden growth of desktop search engines by all the biggies. Who is going to win the battle finally............................I am as always a Brin n Page fan , so hopefully they google their way to success............
So finally the Americans have seemingly given up on finding the elusive Osama without help. Will greed act as a necessary bait? ......................Perhaps a billion dollar question. Still wanna read it..................
And yes, Firefox is incessantly rising vis-a-vis IE . Go Firefox go, we are here for cheers..................
And who likes reading is a complete list of em..........
The relatively low profile Tim Howard of the Reds on CBS about his team,affliction and more.............................well vipin should be happy.......
The guru again..............TCS CEO S. Ramadorai....................needs no introduction.........
Hmm all sporting's Tiger uncaged for you......................
Harvard guru (another one.......seems a common commodity these days........), Michael Porter's reflection on India.....................not so rosy though.................
And the engine behind Wipro's recent growth.......................Vivek Paul..............
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Indian Serena ...........................finally!!!
Monday, January 17, 2005
New Look @ Gaurav ....................
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Snoozing Sundae ZZzz.....................
Time and tide wait for no one , but then for me nothing needs to wait . I have stagnated since long. I gotta shake myself from the self-imposed incessant slumbering . All I need is a spark plug rather than fuel itself. Atleast for the present horizon looks barren , but then all is takes is a butterfly -effect.Perhaps one is in the offing.......................I need to grab it with both my hands (and with anything else I have got).

And for all those who might tend to disagree, here is a comment by an intellectual that is sure to raise a lot of hair (perhaps a few fists too). I am neutal on it though I believe Brand-tarnishing is always concerned with only the established ones.So perhaps another good reason to believe that everything is on track (with a pinch of salt if its too much to digest). Here's Dr. Amitabh for you.
A peep into the world's happiest people (atleast the author thinks so). And you are in for a pleasant surprise.
Sleepy Saturday............
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Sleepin surfin..................
The richest Briton(I have my own doubts to dub him British) , Mittal has set his feet on China. In the $314 million deal , he has finally entered the world's fastest and robustly growing economy. I mean it was always in the offing as China despite being the largest producer is also the biggest importer as demonic pace of construction frenzy is consuming steel at a mind-blowing rate. So Laxmi ditches India again and enters China first. Maybe one day he will be investing in india too. I mean we are better governed than the east European countries, but then I am a stupid moron and he knows the game better....................
Now this news is music to the ears. India among the top ten tourist destinations????. I am perplexed. Are the people out of their mind!! We have less tourists than Hong-Kong and imagine the potential. I just hope Renuka Chowdhary is also reading (maybe people in New Delhi only read and snooze).
Days after NDTV announced launching its business channel Profit, the battle is hottening up with CNBC-TV18 also launching Awaaz. It will be a hindi speaking channel , so that common people can understand the intricities of business in a more simple way. With economy booming (or is it actually??) , I guess the race for business channels is also becoming fierce.
And lastly an intresting angle to pro-football in America. The whole business aspects of the hugely popular and profitable game from the masters. Treat for sure.........
A lesson for all those high- enthu junta..................Be in limits. Apple has filed a lawsuit against a 19 year old Harvad student for leaking company secrets on his own website. Investigative journalism (for want of appropriate word) at its worst..................
early morning bliss.....................
A lot of positive developments are taking place , but the CIA report "Mapping the Global Future" comes as a pleasant surprise. Should I buy the story? Hmmm...........I mean the local media has gone all out and painted a rosy picture when in reality its just flowery. Read this article from Indian media and this from the American one. The contrast is striking. And add this Russian one and you end up scratching your head. What does this report really indicate ? (if at all it does) I mean trusting CIA is too big a folly . The reasons for it to come out with such a survey and making it public appear sinister to me. I can smell the strong stench of heaps of dead rats. Maybe the "Davos World" ( China and India) will play a central role in the world , but not as big as local media will sensationalize it to. But being a self-confessed eternal optimist , I do wish the report comes true (and more).
In the quest of becoming a truly global power(or perhaps to increase its chances of a permanent security council seat) , India refused foreign aid for the Tsunami disaster. It was not declared a national disaster , despite the epic proportions of the tragedy. PM just said once that it was as bad as a national disaster. It was always expected that the administration will be caught slumbering soundly. And with the Tsunami phenomenon a new one to deal with , the problems of the affected people increased manifold. So much so for the "pride" of our country. I mean we can trade dreaded terrorists for the lives of a few hundred passengers , but cannot allow foreign rescue teams to aid in rescue of hundreds of thousands.this dosen't cut ice with me. To add to that the confusion reigned supreme as warnings were issued and later denied . Who rang the alarm bells was a mystery and chaos was the name of the game. This aticle partly sheds light on the entire episode.
And a funny story (atleast I found it funny). Uttar Pradesh will soon have a new college in a village at par with IITs (atleast the CM Mulayam Singh Yadav thinks so ). So ambitious a project and the icing on the cake. It will be named not after someone from the scientific or technology field but after Amitabh Bachchan. Alas do we have shortage of people with sound credentials in these fields. No hard feelings against Bachchan , but a technical institute with his name is difficult to chew let alone digest. The only point of convergence of thoughts was that the college will ""also"" teach what IITs don't teach. To shed some light most colleges in India teach what IITs don't. i think the ""also"" is a misinterpretation on part of the media................
Veerappan is long dead , but here is an intresting article on him by an international economic portal. International perspective is less biased and transparent in these cases.........
Cassini-Huygens was successful in sending photos back to the earth. Kudos to the scientists behind the mammoth 3.3 billion dollar giga(mega is too small) project. the latest news on this front.......................

Google retains its undisputed position as the numero uno web search engine. Its intresting that finally Yahoo and MSN are offering some sort of competition. Sergey Brin and Larry Page will have to find some new innovative strategies to hold on to their fort in the long run. I adore Google , but I abhore monopoly more than anything. Healthy competition is the best of all.
Friday, January 14, 2005
closing in on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An intresting and long awaited astronomy feat is finally going to take place. The mysterious Titan will finally reveal its long held mysticism (of-course taking into consideration that all goes well). The seven year long project "Cassini-Huygens" , is finally on its most ambitious task. I too have my fingers crossed and hope the NASA , ESA and ASI pull this off..................a national and international perspective.
And for all those Physics studs and enthusiasts here's a must read...................
Thursday, January 13, 2005
mundane (mean) musings ........................
Squaring off against two r*a*o*'s is no mean feat by any standards. And imagine the horror when you have both as the first two hours in the morning. A big fight to shake myself from my eternal slumber and trudge towards the classes with a zombie's appearance. So I deserve pats for attending both..........(and may I add , I was awake in them ................ now that is too much to ask for). I should be easy on myself , too much exertion..........(no need to laugh at this please).
I am just trying hard to find a little inspiration to get me going to the mess. I mean , I do not expect anything great but atleast, atleast something edible. Otherwise the customary rice "stuffing and gobbling" operation. Dhabba is calling .....................................
Now onto some intresting stuff.................I got a mail some months back stating that the mythological bridge between India and Sri-Lanka has been rediscovered by none other than NASA. Being a hardcore athiest, I would never buy such a preposterious story. But just for a look , these images are a heavenly delight.I do not want to antagonize anyone , but I always thought premier American organisations had a lot of important things lined up (maybe to fix Columbia's problem for a change). Guess I am good at making wrong assumptions................

On the corporate front, Martha Stewart is finally free (home confinement is as good as being free). But the diva has a lot of difficulties still ahead. And comparisons with Mandela will only invite more wrath than sympathy from even her own

And Asia's richest person, telecommunications tycoon Li Ka-shing is still going strong. His company Hutchinson Whampoa's strategy has yielded the desired dividends. Thw launch even in India was restricted initially to market consolidation in major circles, before looking towards expansion.And with 3G delivering the punch , the future looks rock solid and yes it rocks for the Hong-Kong based company.
A look at Businessweek's best and worst managers for 2004. It was relieving that Jeff Immelt has occupied the top spot.Kudos to him.Stepping into Jack Welch's shoes meant a lot was expected and the timing to take the top (may I say hot) job was the worst. Days after being at the helm at GE , 9/11 happened and growth stagnated. So it was a terrible phase for Jeff , but hats off to him as in just two years he has brought the trademark Jack Welch double digit growth. So finally Jeff has arrived and delivered a superb performance. Maybe now the pressures of stepping into a legend's shoes will lessen and Jeff will emerge from Jack's shadow and carve a niche for himself(I think he is already past it).
A corporate ploy by one big house to pull another , rather than build its own. I hate windowz , but this battle is taken a little too far , accourding to me. Anyways an innovative strategy to counter monopoly. I bet Microsoft's undisputed position is under threat as never before. Be it AMD, Google or IBM all are hell bent on hurting it...................So will the Seer from Seattle be able to pull this through ??? (a 50+ billion dollar question).
And lastly for all those would-be-enterpreneurs some words of advice from three gods . Liberal doses of caution interspersed with preppy morale boosters. Bottomline: its not everybody's cup of tea , but that does not mean one cannot have the tea. But are you prepared to face the scalding tea on your skin. If yes go for it full throttle, knowing well that anyways few succeed and those who fail may hardly get another chance..............................tough nut!!!
Assuming you have succeeded in crossing the first hurdle, here is what is required to preserve and maintain your brand. Not as onerous as the initial task , nevertheless one that will put you to a test that's as difficult as sipping tea without the cup.........................
BLOG : word of the year!!!!!!!!
I was very happy to find out that the messers of World-Com are finally being made to pay the price for their mishandling. So now the top management has to ensure that nothing slips under their nose or they be prepared to face the music. My only concern is that if Enron bosses are too held accountable that will spell added troubles for the government and people linked to the Dhabol Power Project.
The Shankaracharya eposide has already creating a lot of ripples. I am a person who believes that every person is equal to the Law , but that does not mean that someone should be denied a free and fair trial. And media has to display a bit of maturity (I bet that's too much to ask for) while handling such issues that are close to people's links for this as I am not buying anything till the picture becomes clear.
And the news that something was fishy on CBS was particularly difficult to digest.So one the legends of our time had to show the door to four employees. Hope the lesson is learnt.
Perhaps the man many would overlook (only those morons who do not read between the lines) , because of Azimji's larger than image is none other than the charismatic and shrewd Vivek Paul. Those who know the game are aware that these days , its Vivek who has steered the company to its lofty heights. Wanna have a few fundaes from the God Himself....................
For people still wonderding , what the hell is a circuit breaker here's a take.maybe not so much for student people as for Sarathi who need to update his neolithic notebook.
I still have a lot o potentially good stuff to give links to, but alas I dont have to miss the "Rao" classes.(got two in drab luck to be blamed). So time to catch the forty winks.
And to sum as last but certainly not the least ,Merriam-Webster has named BLOG as the word of the year. Yo man!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Void to remain.......

Another gem of an actor passed away viz. Amrish Puri. Perhaps the greatest accolade to his superb skills was that none other than Steven Speilberg casted him as the main villian in the 1984 film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Now how many actors have worked with such truly acclaimed directors ? probably one of the first to work in a cross-over film (and we are still wondering about Aiswarya's 60 minutes interview). My sincerest condolences to all his fans. Void will never be filled for sure.............but life chugs on still.
monotonous day as usual !
After one of the classes today one of the prof came and exhorted people to attend the lecture of IEEE president (atleast that's what I heard). He also called upon students to become student members of that organisation. I dont know how many people will finally fall for the bait, but one thing that struck me was the comment of a fellow student. He said he does not require to join IEEE ;reason: He has secured more E's than there are in the organisation's name , so maybe no need for him to enroll himself....................I don't know if that was funny or stupid.
Another class , I have given up thinking and am more of a plain copier than anything in power elcetronics. Goodness , the blues have started to appear on the horizon a rather too soon.
I am trying to figure out what the prof is trying to do in High voltage. I mean , he is the extreme opposite of slot F prof (hey , what's his name?). One teaches as if Schumacher's driving his Ferrari while the other being a corporate manager (or may I say maniac) , understands his social responsibilities well and teaches like an Indian bullock cart . Maybe the bulls are down , despite the stock exchange bulls at the zenith (maybe a step lower than that). Anyways it dosen't bother me , cause my sole efforts will ultimately be concentrated in keeping the wolf away from the door (a slight modification and you will get the point).
Cancellation of afternoon slots (two not one) , was great news for sleepaholics like me. Hoping that the trend contionues (though I know its more than day dreaming to even think like that) . So I am crashing now. ZZZZzzzzz...................................
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Lots of stuff , to stuff down the line..........................
<> So the Indian government has given the green signal to the ONGC to bid for the assets of beleaguered Russian giant Yukos. Hopefully ONGC will get through and get a presence in
The Chinese dragon is sweeping all over the world.I am waiting for the Indian elephant...............alas my hope : Will the long wait be worth it??
When the news came it shocked many (atleast me for sure) .But now as one tries to digest that a Chinese government owned company has strightaway (oh no , this is a gattam favourite) become the third largest in PC business , maybe I think deals like these are in the offing. So noe the red dragon is going all out to chew on what is available. This business has of-late become a business with shrinking profits with cut-throught competition from the top two viz. HP and Dell. But the major deal between Lenovo and IBM is seen by many as a win-win for both the companies. Now , one will see how Lenovo will manage the business.So Lenovo becomes the latest addition to world-class Chinese enterprises making waves throughout the globe , others being TCL (television) , Haier (white goods) and Baosteel (steel) . Waiting for more on this.............................this is a good article
Tsunami , my first acquaintance with this word dates back to my seventh or eighth grade. And I was relieves to know that
And one of my least liked (I think “hated” is better but not appropriate ) corporate czar is going about with his expansion plans on track. Rupert Murdoch pulls off

Wanna read another Murdoch foxing.
Too bad , that AMD (another favourite) is predicting less profit.
And finally some leadership fundaes from the desi-Bill gates a.k.a. Narayan Murthy. Patience is a virtue, so start cultivating and read now.
Too add a little more of slump, British retailers are in a shock for a below par performance in the festive season. Got any fundaes on improving on improving sales??..................maybe Santa can help!!!!
Monday, January 10, 2005

ALL SMILES:Co-founders Larry Page(right) and Sergey Brin(left) with CEO Eric Schmidt
One of those stories that really revs up your heart, your body starts fluttering and adrenaline pumps up in the upper quarter for a change. Perhaps the finest and most intriguing entrepreneur story after the Micheal Dell spell for me atleast. Well even Dell computers was a sustained growth and came up in a characteristic professional manner. Perhaps very similar to our own Infosys. But Google is a truly mind-blowing saga of two brilliant students who changed the rules of corporate world, with their bubbly enthusiasm and missionary zeal towards their work. In less than a decade, these two Stanford drop-outs – Sergey Brin and Larry Page have created a monstrous company that today has a market capitalization of over $ 52 billion. Adventurism, innovative strategies, hunger for success and a sharp insight as well as vision has catapulted these two Stanford drop-outs to the top. These two have already earned the wrath of no one other than Bill Gates and taught the seer a thing or two inside his own territory (google desktop search engine). And the saga continous……………………….
My salutations to the two stalwarts. Hats off to them.
Perhaps I think Stanford drop-outs are really on the path to something great in the corporate world. We have our own Mukesh Ambani virtually running the entire Reliance. Add to the “elite-list” Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer. Now that’s a news in its own right.
Check out the complete story and get GOOGLED
Sunday, January 09, 2005
a lazy day Zzzzz.........
I have become a computer addict of the worst kind. I mean I am literally losing out on all outdoor activities . My parents will kill me if they come to know of the way I live here!!! By the way today was the grand bath day. A great , loud and boistrious day for me as I spend a good half an hour trying to scrub myselves clean. The mess people are back to their old pathetic "food". So all in all I believe dust has finally settled on this sem too. That means gotta work (I mean the verb not the noun). And the worst thing is the beginning of the week. That long week ahead (and the worst thing................................only I can pity on my plight).
tribute to the legend

So yesterday was the birthday of the original king of rock and roll . Its incredible that his legion of fans still fondly remember the legend. yeah he is none other than Elvis Presley
Saturday, January 08, 2005
the first weekend.............not so rosy though
Another lazy afternoon . Woke up solely for lunch (Breakfast is never on the menu on weekends.............unless exams are right in the offing). Even now I have loads and loads of sleep in my eyes. Hopefully the net offers some relief as I sleep all over the net.............err surf.
So the NRI wooing goes on unabated at the third Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (its PBD) in the financial capital at an estimated cost of 6 crores. And Tytler is saying this is just for a bonding and no business intrests...............who the hell is administration fooling (not me for sure).
And for foreign policy entusistics , here is an interview from the diplomatic godfather of our times. Happy reading
Friday, January 07, 2005
As usual the same old semester resolutions............and the initial enthusiasm about them. Finally deciding thatthis semester will herald into a new and much better era (who the hell am I kidding???).
So with the first weekend arriving , I think now I am pretty much settled and ready to use the customary "Shift+Del" operation on all the so-called resolutions. Do hell with em.........
Today I tried to attend a lecture of a certain g*a*s*r*a*o(this is too dangerous to reveal real identity) . And look what he did. He BUNKED ,precisely the reason for him to get the heavenly delight of being his student (again).(Bad things keep happening..............again)
I am having good 3 hors sleep in the afternoon. Something that has been keeping me alive n kicking during the noght. But yes once the lab starts , I will have to give up this pleasure.(good things sometimes hardly start)
I think I am becoming a chatterbox too.I mean ,I have acquired a high tolerance level to be able to chat alongside lunatics , fanatics and morons in chat rooms. But my pre-concieved notion that only idiots abount in the chat room stands as a wrong one. I mean I did meet intresting and sane people (of-course i admire as well as pity their condition as they had to deal with me). But overall , I found out its really not worth the time and energy. So will try to put a full-stop on chatting soon (atleast a comma .....I swear). As of now , my bed is too will sleep like a.........well nothing comes close to gaurav of-course in this department.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
So here I am again.........
The reason for blogging this early hour is because my first slot was cancelled. Reason: prof didn't turn up. Its so damn painful. First of all breaking the sound sleep for a class that is not there. I would have enjoyed a good hour's sleep more today , but for the prof who did not have the courtesey to inform us in advance. For the record I never thought prof's had any courtesey towards students here (though the vice- versa opinion is rather more strong). Well that's about it.
Gotta hurry for the next class...........