Sunday, March 06, 2005

Nocturnal adventures

Life in IIT is bearable (what I am implying is the physical aspect) only in the early morning. As I sit in my window with the construction work chugging to a halt it serene and pristine. The atmosphere in the wee hours is really beautiful. The humidity provides a temporary relief and these are the only few hours when we can say that the campus rocks. One of my regular rituals since the last year has been to hang out at Narmada (for the uninitiated its one of the hostels) till about 3 a.m. and then return. It’s a highly rewarding experience. Though one does encounter lecherous dogs a few times, still the whole atmosphere is almost surreal. A walk at this time reveals campus in its real glow. The visibility of deer and blackbugs is also substantially higher and they still neglect your presence which makes it easy to click photos. Suddenly even a die-hard self-confessed critic has to admire the unadulterated beauty of the surrounding. To sit atop the hostels at this hour is even more exhilarating. As the morning wind gushes past you, you can actually feel a tad bit chilly (I am not exaggerating, it’s true).One can sense the proximity of the sea coast .One can feel the soft rich natural aura of freshness which is the hallmark of this breeze………………hmmm seems like the best part of being here. It’s this part that is worth cherishing for ages rather than some hi-funda prof’s sermons ………………

The continuous construction of a nearby hostel is taking is toll since long. It is very common for work to extend into the wee hours on weekdays. So much so that even normal sound dozer like me has to make an effort to crash in the night. Plight of non-nocturnal people around here is even worse. And this problem will continue for the entire sem., courtesy our administration which is hell bent on completing the hostel as soon as possible. The situation can be compared to a high frequency shrill noise being played at full volume and bass. I seriously hope not to throw something out of my window on the poor workers. My agony needs a harmless sink. But the huge permanent crane is marvelous. I was awake all night today and took a few pics of the crane in the morning. But then organization is certainly not my strength. I had enough batteries to take only two pics. Yeah I screwed yet again……………………………….


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